Health Packages
Clinical experience has shown us the best results are obtained when clients commit to a number of consultations. In order to make a significant shift in your health and wellbeing we cannot address all of the necessary dietary, lifestyle and wellness strategies in one or two appointments, our expectation is a treatment protocol of an initial consultation with a minimum of 3 follow-up consultations over a period of two months. This is to ensure you have the appropriate tools and coaching to sustain your health and wellbeing long term.
Base Package
Designed for someone who wants to go in-depth into dietary and lifestyle recommendations to make impactful and lasting changes to their health and well-being.
- 3.5 hours worth of consultation time, including your initial consultation and explanation of your health assessment (75 minute initial plus 3 x 45 minute follow up consultations one to one).
- Tailored treatment protocol
- Dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your goals
- Tailored practitioner only herbal formulation and or recommend practitioner only products at additional cost.
Price: $390.00
Digestive Wellness Package
Designed for someone who wants to supercharge their digestion and remove any digestive complaints such as bloating, constipation, reflux, malabsorption etc.
- Your initial consultation and digestive health assessment (75 minute initial plus 3 x 45 minute follow up consultations one on one).
- Tailored treatment protocol
- Dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your goals
- Tailored practitioner only herbal formulation and or recommend practitioner only products at additional cost.
Price: $390
Weight Loss Programme
If weight loss is your primary area of concern we have an individualised weight loss programme that aims to give you life-long tools to transform your relationship with food. We are each unique and this programme is tailored to you and your body type. This programme looks at:
- Simple strategies for natural appetite regulation
- Hidden contributors to weight gain
- Mind Body Nutrition techniques that fuel digestion
- The nutritional power of pleasure
- The unseen connection between metabolism and emotion
- The potent influence of bio-circadian nutrition on energy
- Regulating mood with macronutrient balance
- Letting go of dieting, saying hello to eating
- And much more!
This is an eight week programme which includes:
- Initial appointment of 60min; where I will take a full medical history, do a physical examination and metabolic assessment
- 4 follow up appointments to assess progress and make adjustments where necessary, an introspective diary, a recipe booklet, nutrition education and a Bach Flower remedy.
- Tailored practitioner only herbal formulation and or recommend practitioner only products at additional cost.
Balance Hormones Naturally – Women
It seems like every phase of life brings new hormonal roller coasters and new questions. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to get relief? Do I need to change what I’m eating, putting on my skin or drinking? In this programme we design your plan to suit your particular imbalance and phase of hormone cycle.
Address the symptoms of hormonal imbalances including:
- Endometriosis
- Headaches / Migraines
- Bloating
- Hot Flushes
- Insomnia
- Night Sweats
- Heavy Bleeding
- Amenorrhea
- Loss of libido
- Weight Gain
- Depression / low mood
- Irritability
- Constipation
- and many others
This is a 4 month programme which includes:
- 5+ hours worth of consultation time (over 4 months) which includes:
- 1 x initial consultations (75 minutes each consult)
- 5 x follow up consultations (45 minutes each consult)
- Tailored treatment protocol specific to each individual
- Dietary and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your goals
- Tailored practitioner only herbal formulation and or recommend practitioner only products at additional cost.
- Option to have DUTCH functional testing (additional cost)