Bio-regulatory Medicine, Medical Astrology & Herbal Medicine
I combine the use of medical astrology principals, elemental medicine, mineral therapy, animal essences, herbs and nutrition in a way that is unique for each person. The treatment is dependent on what each patient needs to focus in on in order to interrupt the patterns of imbalance, get uncomfortable and transform.
Bioregulatory systems medicine embraces the interconnectivity among all autoregulatory
networks in the body, from molecular, to cellular,
to organ; and that the state of an individual’s autoregulatory network is a key determinant and indicator of patient health.
Treatment is therefore a personalized approach through a multitude of therapeutic modalities. This approach involves all levels of being (structural, biochemical, functional, energetic, psychoemotional) and assists (not suppresses) the bioregulatory and adaptive networks of the body.

“Bioregulatory medicine is a total body (and mind) approach to health and healing that aims to help facilitate and restore natural human biological processes. It is a proven, safe, gentle, highly effective, drugless, and side-effect-free medical model designed to naturally support the body to regulate, adapt, regenerate, and self-heal.“

Medical astrology turns your natal chart into a map of your body’s nature. At the most basic level the sign positions of planets at the time of your birth can tell us about the health of these parts of self. It is a powerful preventative tool which can guide you to see how to balance your unique nature through food, lifestyle and movement.
Another way to use medical astrology is when illness does popup, guiding us to the root cause and therefore more effective treatment.
“A physician with no knowledge of astrology, has no right to call himself a physician.”
For more information on what tools I use click here.
Precise Mineral Rebalancing with Nutritional Supplements & Homeopathy and bioregulatory medicine.
“You can trace every illness, disease and symptom back to a mineral deficiency.”Dr. Linus Pauling